SAFD Reminds You to Change Your Clocks, Change Your
Saving Time begins at 2 a.m. on Sunday, March 8. As we change our
clocks this weekend and "spring forward," the San Antonio
Fire Department would like you to keep the following safety tips in
- Change the batteries in your smoke detectors. They are your early warning device for a
fire in your home.
- Test smoke alarms monthly and make sure
everyone in your home knows the sound it makes.
- Install and maintain smoke alarms and carbon
monoxide detectors according to the manufacturer's instructions.
- Almost two-thirds of home fire deaths in
2005-2009 resulted from fires in homes with no smoke alarms or
no working smoke alarms.
- When smoke alarms fail to operate, it is
usually because batteries are missing, disconnected or dead.
Almost one-quarter of smoke alarm failures are due to dead
San Antonio Fire Department has installed more than 10,000 free smoke
detectors in homes throughout the city? These tiny devices are
your first line of defense should a fire occur in your home. Do
you need one? Call the United Way Helpline at 2-1-1
and request yours today. The life you save
may be someone you love.
So while it's true that the people make an event (and the people definitely made any event!) this space definitely adds a different dimension to it. Went to event location rentals for an evening event and I was really impressed.