Monday, September 30, 2019

City of San Antonio, Development Services, 2019 Fall San Antonio Building Codes Academy


2019 Fall San Antonio Building Codes Academy
(SABCA )Training
Hardberger Park, Urban Ecology Center, Gathering Hall
8400 NW Military Highway, San Antonio, TX 78231
2018 IRC Accessory Structures, Decks, Carports, & Patio Covers
October 22, 2019
8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
2018 IRC Accessory Structures, Decks, Carports, & Patio Covers
October 23, 2019
8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
2018 IBC - Multifamily Dwellings
October 29, 2019
8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
2018 IBC - Multifamily Dwellings
October 30, 2019
8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

2018 IRC Accessory Structures, Decks, Carports, & Patio Covers
This seminar will focus on the conventional construction requirements for detached accessory structures (i.e. garages, sheds, etc.), residential decks, carports, and patio structures to ensure compliance with the International Residential Code. The intent of this class is to help building officials and plans examiners to know how to quickly perform a review of these projects at the counter to see if they are in compliance with the IRC and will also help building inspectors to know what to look for in the field.

2018 IBC - Multifamily Dwellings
This class will focus on the specific IBC requirements for multifamily dwellings such as apartment complexes. There will be some discussions of podium structures and the new 2015/2018 IBC requirements. The course will include accessibility requirements of IBC 1107 and Chapter 10 of ICC A117.1-09 for Type A and B units. It will also cover some common problems associated with the design of multifamily buildings including fire rating, exhaust systems, construction types, etc. Requirements for accessory structures such as pools and carports will also be discussed.


  • Deadline for a guaranteed reservation is 4:30 p.m. on October 18, 2019 for October 22-23 and is 4:30 p.m. on October 25 for October 29-30.
  • Space is limited to the first 70 registrants for each session.
  • Registration fee is $150 for a six hour course.
  • Online registration will begin October 1, 2019.
Requests for registration cancellation prior to 4:30 p.m. October 25 will receive a full refund. Cancellation requests received after this date are subject to a $50 cancellation fee.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact SABCA 

City of San Antonio, Development Services, 1901 S. Alamo, San Antonio, TX 78204

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SA Neighborhood & Housing Services Dept, 2020 Neighborhood Leadership Academy

2020 Neighborhood Leadership Academy 

Neighborhood Leadership Academy 2020: Empower your community; strengthen your leadership; expand your network.
The Neighborhood Leadership Academy (NLA) is a six month interactive course designed to equip residents with the knowledge, network, and skills to be effective neighborhood leaders. Participants will learn how to navigate through city services to become effective advocates for their communities.
Applications for the 2020 Neighborhood Leadership Academy accepted through October 31, 2019. Selected candidates will be notified by November 2019.
Want to learn more about the NLA? Sign up for an information session at Eventbrite.

SpeakUP on Housing Tax Credits Survey

According to San Antonio’s Housing Policy Framework, half of all renters in the city spend more than a third of their income on rent. This means that families have less money left over for basic needs like food, transportation, healthcare, and quality of life. The Housing Tax Credit (HTC) program helps build and preserve affordable housing nationwide. Since 1986, the program has helped build affordable apartments for about 700,000 households in Texas. The City expects HTCs to fund more than 70% of all affordable apartments in San Antonio. To receive HTCs, developers apply to the State. They need a letter of support from the City where they want to build. The City of San Antonio is updating our criteria for letters of support and we want your feedback! Visit to take the HTC survey.

VIA Reimagined: Open Houses

The VIA Reimagined plan consist of three key elements:
  1. Better Bus System - More frequent and reliable transit across the service area.
  2. Advanced Rapid Transit - A network of high-capacity vehicles running in dedicated lanes to bypass traffic.
  3. Smart Transit - Using technology to improve the customer experience.
Please join us at an information session to learn more about the VIA Reimangined plan and how it can work for you. All Open Houses will be from 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM on the dates and locations below:

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All rights reserved.

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1400 South Flores Street • San Antonio, TX 78204
Phone: (210) 207-6459

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City of San Antonio Neighborhood and Housing Services Department · 1400 S Flores St · San Antonio, TX 78204-1617 · USA

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