Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Alamo Area Metropolitan Planning Organization,12/16/19

Monday, December 16, 2019 ▪ Shopping for the holidays? Thank freight. ▪ San Antonio is NACTO's 6th Climate Challenge Accelerator City ▪ Walkabil

The Results are in
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Monday, December 16, 2019


We wish you a joyful New Year and remind you that the MPO will be closed Wednesdays, December 25, 2019 and January 1, 2020


Shopping for the holidays? Thank freight.

As of December 3, the holiday season has generated a record $81.5 billion in total online sales so far. Source: Forbes.com


San Antonio is NACTO's 6th Climate Challenge Accelerator City

On the heels of passing SA Climate Ready, San Antonio announced a partnership with NACTO through the American Cities Climate Challenge. Working with VIA Metropolitan Transit, San Antonio is tapping into the rich technical network offered at NACTO (the National Association of City Transportation Officials) to rapidly build out 2-3 high-quality transit corridors. First up: S. Zarzamora Street. Read full story.

NACTO SanAntonio
Staff from the City of San Antonio and VIA Metropolitan Transit work collaboratively to discuss opportunities and constraints along the project corridor, and identify design elements that can address them (Courtesy: NACTO)


Walkability assessment takes next step

New Braunfels Senior Planner Jean Drew crosses Main Plaza in New Braunfels
Through our Walkable Community Program, the MPO is working with the City of New Braunfels to assess walkability of its downtown. On December 11th, staff from both agencies walked routes around Main Plaza to collect photos and document challenges to walking and biking in the area. MPO staff will provide the City of New Braunfels with a report in early 2020 that captures input from the public and agency staff. Find out more.
The MPO's Walkable Community Program helps build a safer, healthier, and greener transportation system to improve our community's quality of life. For more information or to request a Walkable Community Workshop for your own school, neighborhood or community group, contact Joey Pawlik, the MPO's Active Transportation Planner, at pawlik@alamoareampo.org

DTNB WCW group
MPO and City of New Braunfels staff walked three routes in and around the downtown


Your Alamo Commutes trips could score you Spurs tickets

win free spurs tickets
Record your smart transportation trips on Alamo Commutes through January 5 to qualify for the drawing


Resolve to get back on a bike. Request a Street Skills class!

Alamo Commutes Street Skills Graphic
We can take our Street Skills class to your employer


Work with us!

Résumés will be accepted until position is filled. Apply today.

Regional Transportation Planner 1
AAMPO is looking for a regional transportation planner to join our staff


Upcoming AAMPO committee meetings

Get Connected 2

The Alamo Area MPO has four regular meetings that occur each month.
All our meetings are open to the public and all agendas for our meetings are posted on our website, www.alamoareampo.org
The next Technical Advisory Committee meeting will be held on Friday, January 10, 2020, at 1:30 PM at the TxDOT District Office in the Building 2 Hearing Room, 4615 NW Loop 410, San Antonio, Texas 78229.
The next Transportation Policy Board will be held on Monday, January 27, 2020, at 1:30 PM at VIA Metro Center, 1021 San Pedro Avenue, San Antonio, Texas 78212.
The next Bicycle Mobility Advisory Committee will be held on Wednesday, January 8, 2020, at 9:00 AM at the MPO Office located at 825 South St. Mary's Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205.
The next Pedestrian Mobility Advisory Committee meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 15, 2020, at 3:00 PM at the MPO Office located at 825 South St. Mary's Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205.
As a reminder, you can watch meetings of the Transportation Policy Board live online at alamoareampo.org/mpolive. Meetings are also indexed the following day and available for you to view 24 hours a day 7 days a week after the meeting concludes.

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