Saturday, March 19, 2016

SA Development Insight Update

February 2016 

Development Services 

Roderick J. Sanchez
AICP, CBO-Director

Check out 
the latest 
to learn more about the 
top 5 violations

Grow Over Graffiti

Learn how to discourage graffiti vandalism. 

Development & Business  Services Center

Main Address:
1901 S. Alamo San Antonio, TX 78204

Office Hours: 
7:45 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Monday - Friday

Mailing Address:
PO Box 839966
San Antonio, TX 78283

Connect with us...

Like us on Facebook   Find us on Google+   

Chapter 28 Sign Code Update

In September 2015, Councilman Mike Gallagher requested that the Development Services Department review, update, and amend Chapter 28 of the City Code, the San Antonio Sign Code. 

The goals of the updates are to review new technologies and products, address common questions and enforcement issues, add flexibility to the code, and clarify intent of the code. 

As we look to update Chapter 28, we ask for your input on the Sign Code amendment. Please submit your proposed recommendations and updates to us in writing by March 15, 2016. Be sure to include 1) the proposed change, and 2) justification for the proposed change.

Your recommendations should be emailed to:
City Staff members and Stakeholders from the Community will have regularly scheduled Sign Code Update Stakeholder meetings every three weeks. The purpose of these meetings will be to help the City achieve the sign code goals and review all submittals for consideration.  

The next Sign Code Update Stakeholder meeting is scheduled for March 1 at the Development Services Department, located at 1901 S. Alamo, 78204.

The following documents are available regarding this process:
For more information, visit the Chapter 28 Sign Code Updates website.  

DSD is looking for Inspectors and more...

Information Bulletins and Other Resources

The following Information Bulletins (IB) include noteworthy changes: 

Development Services created this IB to inform customers of the UDC Amendment process.

Development Services created IB 559 to inform our customers of recent changes and updates to the Master Development Plan (MDP) and Preliminary Overall Area Development Plan (POADP) Rights along with the Validity Timelines as a result of the 2015 UDC Amendments.

IB 192a - Occupancy Classification Letters, posted 2/22/16
Development Services revised IB 192a regarding Occupancy Classification Letters (OCL) to suggest hiring an FPE instead of completing the information as the owner; this along with highlighting examples and adding new screening questions to be used by staff for identifying when an OCL is needed.

Development Services created IB 222 to describe and clarify the requirements of the use of Commercial "Splash Pads" and other similar recreational areas.

To help facilitate the residential permit application process, a packet was created that includes all necessary documents in one place.

IB 183 - Landscape Irrigation System Requirements, posted 2/8/16
Development Services revised IB 183 on landscape irrigation system requirements to include the requirements for a permit sticker on the controller. 

The following IBs were updated to revise contact info:

Another resource recently updated includes the 'What's Next' Inspections Handout; updates include:  
  • Added 2015 IECC Residential Energy Compliance Section w/Table
    • Existing Structures with new Additions Insulation requirements
  • Added 2015 IRC Residential Roofing Compliance Section
    • Existing Structures replacing roofing materials
The view the updates, look at the handout now available online. 

For a complete list of resources, visit the sites shared below:    

The DSD Resources website also offers more information, including Document Search, Forms and Applications, and Latest News.

Performance Measures - FY 2016

To view the performance measures in their entirety, visit
The January metrics are as follows:

Performance Measures

Permit Activity    


Code Chat and DSD Social Media

There's no denying that social media has become an important ingredient in communication. DSD has increased our presence in social media to have a direct line to interact, communicate, share and collaborate with you, our customers. As part of this effort, we have also started holding Code Chat Live through our DSD Facebook page.

Held monthly, Code Officers and Inspectors get together to answer any questions you may have regarding our processes, city codes and ordinances, permits, or zoning. It's an opportunity to get the assistance you need and maybe even save a trip or two, so feel free to spread the word to your neighbors. 

Look for us on social media by searching for Development Services Department City of San Antonio.

Introducing the new IAS Building Department Logo
The International Accreditation Service (IAS) has recently changed its logo and accredited symbols that are used to indicate associated IAS accreditation.
As an accredited organization of IAS, the Development Services Department (DSD), City of San Antonio, will transition to the new logo over the next two years. The new IAS logo for DSD is pictured to the right and specifies our accreditation as a Building Department.
The IAS program is the first nationally recognized accreditation program, for building departments, that guarantees departments are operating at the highest level of ethical, legal and technical standards.
In 2014, DSD was re-certified for the IAS Accreditation. By upholding this accreditation, the department demonstrates its commitment to keeping San Antonio safe while facilitating projects.  

City News 


Frequently asked questions regarding the Open Carry law.


HBGCC plays host to more than 300 events each year with over 750,000 convention delegates from around the world. 

Free tax preparation for residents and households earning up to $60,000 for the 2015 tax filing season. 

Other Department News
 - Customer Comments, New Hires, Recognition, etc.  
Recognition - DSD Shout Outs!
Congratulations to Lupe Guerrero, Code Officer, for being elected to 1st Vice President of Code Enforcement Association of Texas (C.E.A.T.) earlier this month. Lupe has held various positions with C.E.A.T. over the last 10 years, including Treasurer and 3rd Vice President and also served on the Board of Directors. Lupe will serve a two year term as 1st Vice President.

Meet San Antonio's newest Sr. Code Enforcement Officer, Yolanda Alvarez. She's only the second Code Officer to undergo the extensive training and pass all the additional certification exams required. Way to go Yolanda!

Here's what you said about us...
Logan Sparrow, Senior Planner, Zoning, Land Development
The service provided was related to answering a series of questions on the planning of a new Helistop for the Bexar 911 Network. There were several questions transmitted through email over a two day period.  After initial phone contact, Mr. Sparrow was very courteous, understanding of our concerns, and articulate and thorough in answering all of our questions.  I was pleasantly surprised to receive this truly remarkable level of assistance.  The community is very appreciate of this outstanding service.

Olivia Rodriguez, Development Services Specialist, Commercial In-take, Plan Review
Whenever I go to the City to request a permit, if I am lucky enough to get Olivia, I never have a concern. She is so knowledgeable and helpful. If I every need anything additional, she is there to help. She is wonderful.

Michael Dice, Interim Policy Administrator, Land Development
Mr. Dice helped me resolve a permitting issue and he isn't even in that section. A great help though the process.

Kevin Collins, Sr. Engineer, Engineering and Tree Preservation,  Land Development
Kevin assisted me on a permit for a fence.  During the permit submission Kevin assisted the owner, me and the intake staff on getting the fence permit promptly and efficiently.  Kevin is a tremendous asset to CoSA.  He was polite, professional and extremely helpful.

John Valadez, Sr. Building Inspector, Field Services
John Valadez was very helpful and courteous, as he has been every time I have requested his assistance in any matter.

Juan Gonzales, Sr. Plans Examiner, Plan Review
I came to the City for a permit and Juan volunteered to help me. I had my permit the next day. What a help and a relief.  I can tell you not all City employees are like him.

Vernon Drake, Code Enforcement Officer, Field Services
The code inspectors I have called, including Mr. Drake, have always been very dutiful about attending neighborhood meetings, listening to complaints and solving our problems. Thank you very much.

New Employees




Job Opportunities

Development Services is recruiting for the following positions; apply on-line at:  jobs.

For comments or suggestions regarding the Development Services Newsletter, contact Kathy Quinones.

City of San Antonio, Development Services
| 1901 S. Alamo | San Antonio | TX | 78204

SA Code Compliance Update.

Here is a link to the latest news from Code Compliance.


Development Services Department Update

 Low Impact Development (LID) &
Conservation Subdivision Training

Presenters: Troy Dorman, PhD, P.E. and Karen Bishop of San Antonio River Authority (SARA)
Date: March 29, 2016
Time: 9:00-10:30 a.m. OR 2:00-3:30 p.m.
Location: 1901 S. Alamo, 2nd Floor Training Rooms A&B

Please follow the link below to register for one of the free training sessions:
If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact

City of San Antonio, Development Services, 1901 S. Alamo, San Antonio, TX 78204

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Friday, March 18, 2016

Next VNNA meeting on Sunday March 20

Hope to see you at the next VNNA II meeting on Sunday, March 20 at 3 p.m.  Click HERE to see the newsletter.