Tuesday, April 19, 2016

District 10 Community Meeting, April 25, 7pm, at the Tool Yard.

Reminder: Our District 10 Community Meeting is 4/25/2016
District 10 Community Meeting
April 25, 2016
Our District 10 Community Meeting is next Monday, April 25th, at 7PM. We encourage you and your neighbors to attend and hear about the latest updates in the district. As always, we will be answering your questions about city services and developments. 
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City Councilman Mike Gallagher, 1635 NE Loop 410, Suite 510, San Antonio, TX 78209
Sent by district10@sanantonio.gov in collaboration with


Monday, April 18, 2016

North East Neighborhood Alliance Meeting, May 16, Tool Yard, 7pm.

This is a correction to the previous post about the next meeting, again the next North East Neighborhood Alliance Meeting is May 16, at the Tool Yard, 7pm.

Sorry for any inconvenience,


Friday, April 15, 2016

SA Code Enforcement Section, Development Services Department

Code Enforcement Section, Development Services Department

Message from the Director

Oak Wilt is a deadly fungal disease that infects and disables the water-conducting system in oak trees. All Oaks are susceptible to this disease, but some species more than others. With no known cure, methods to control are expensive and treatments are not always effective or guaranteed.

Oak Wilt is prevalent in Central Texas and spreads both above and below ground. Fungal mats develop under the bark on the trunks and major branches of infected Red oak trees. When the fungal mat enlarges and cracks the bark of the tree, an odor is released that attracts sap-feeding beetles. The fungus is transmitted when these beetles feed on the fungal mats and carry fungal spores to fresh wounds or cuts on healthy oak trees. Because oak trees have interconnected roots, the disease can be spread below ground through grafted root systems, eventually killing great numbers of oak trees in the area.

Trees are an important public resource that enhance the quality of life, add value to properties and reduce energy costs and pollutants. Our City Arborist has some tips you can follow to help prevent Oak Wilt in your neighborhood:
  • Minimize pruning oak trees between February 1 and July 1. This is when the Oak Wilt fungus is most active.
  • Best time to prune trees is either in the middle of the summer, when temperatures are the hottest, or in late fall/early winter months when temperatures can be the coldest.
  • Paint all cuts and wounds on oak trees within 30 minutes.
  • Remove Red Oaks identified with Oak Wilt.
  • Know where your firewood comes from. Don't transport unseasoned firewood from diseased Red Oaks.
  • Make sure contractors doing tree pruning have a valid, city issued tree maintenance license and proper training.
If you suspect Oak Wilt in your neighborhood, contact the Texas Forest Service at (210) 494-1742.

For additional recommendations and information, you can visit the TFS Texas Oak Wilt.Org website at:

Eight Step Program to Oak Wilt Management:

Best regards,

Rod Sanchez
Director, Development Services Department

"Partnering with our Community to build and maintain a safer San Antonio"

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Northeast Neighborhood Alliance Meeting Minutes, 21 March 2016

MARCH 21, 2016
The meeting was held at the Northeast Tool Yard and was opened at 7:00 pm by President John Clamp.
The Beautification Award
was announced by Gus Wieters. The award this period was presented to Taco Cabana located on Thousand Oaks. The manager Jason Rickard was not available to accept the award. This Taco Cabana previously won the award in 2012 due to landscape improvements around the facility, and since then, they have added more improvements to the landscape to further enhance the view of the area. Congratulations to the folks at Taco Cabana on Thousand Oaks!  

Fraud and Scams in our Community was briefed by David Brinkman of the San Antonio Police Department. There are many people who look for ways to take money from others-especially the elderly, and the computer age has added more opportunities for this to happen. He talked about and gave examples of numerous fraudulent activities and scams that have happened in our area. Examples were:

Tax returns. He recommended that tax returns be filed as early as possible because the later the tax return is filed, the more chance for fraud. People pose as IRS agents and have called by phone to threaten enforcement of payments. The IRS does not make phone calls.    

Jury Duty appointments over the phone are false. The county does not make phone calls.
Lottery Scams of promises to win a lottery if payments are made up front.
Secret Shopper requests where deposits via money orders are sent to them for reimbursement, while the check they sent you was not honored.
Craig's List listings can be fraudulent, i.e., tickets to sporting events.
Home Medical Device fraud where someone tries to convince you that a device was ordered especially after a hospital stay.
Bank Account Online Take Over where transfers of money between accounts could take place.
Make sure there is not something in the slot for bank cards at ATMs. There have been card skimmers placed on the machines to read the account numbers and passwords.
If your wireless is not secured, people can drive by and capture your information.
There have been thefts from individual and group mail boxes including the outside boxes at the Post Office. It was recommended that you go inside the Post Office to mail checks.
Officer Brinkman stressed the importance of protecting bank and credit/debit card account information, to be very careful on doing business over the phone especially using credit card information, and to use cash whenever possible instead of bank cards. If you have any further questions you can contact Officer Brinkman at david.brinkman@sanantonio.gov.
To see an ID and Scam Tip report from Det.Brinkman, click on this link.
The San Antonio Tomorrow Initiative was presented by Rudy Nino of the City Planning Department. It is estimated that San Antonio will grow by 1.1 million people by the year 2040, and in order to accommodate this growth, the city is moving forward with this plan to avoid overcrowding and gridlock. The plan is divided into three parts: Comprehensive Plan, Sustainability Plan and Transportation Plan.

The Comprehensive Plan will address land use, urban design and municipal policy to coordinate various City resources and incentive programs to accommodate projected growth and provide more choices for future and current residents.
The Sustainability Plan will be grounded in the three pillars of sustainability-social, economic, and environmental. The sustainability plan will include metrics of success that will be tracked and reported.
The Transportation Plan will include all modes of transportation, including cars, transit, bicycles, and pedestrians. The transportation plan will communicate the City's transportation strategy and will serve as a tool to analyze transportation priorities to best meet community goals.
The plan is scheduled to be presented to the City Council in June and is being presented in various venues to get citizen's input. Everyone is encouraged to take a ten minute survey located at www.sacompplan.com , and to visit the overall website at  www.satomorrow.com  to learn about all three plans. Now is the time to comment and make your voices heard
Several questions were asked to include:
Will the County plan for adding $200M to the 2017 Bond election conflict with this plan?
How are code compliance issues being addressed in the plans?
Will telecommunication (working from home) be recommended in the plan?
Will adjustable lanes be included in the Transportation Plan?
Will the congestion at the intersection of 281 and 410 West be addressed?
Mr. Nino recommended that all these concerns/comments be made through the survey mentioned above.
The Council Update was provided by Councilman Gallagher.
The NEC Matching Grant Program applications were reviewed last week and the winners will be announced at the NEC Breakfast on April 8th at Rod Robertson Auto Auction (11511 Old Perrin Beitel Road, 78217) at 7:45AM.

Thursday, March 24th, from 2-4PM, several volunteers and many business
owners will be out to clean up another part of the Northeast Corridor (NEC) to spruce up the area near ITT Tech at 410 and Perrin Beitel.

Information was handed out from the Solid Waste Department about the Pay As You Throw (PAYT) program. Phase II of the program will be rolled out this Spring, and will be available to many of us in District 10. If you receive a door hanger, read it carefully to explore your cart options. For more information on PAYT, visit the Solid Waste website at

There will be additional ribbon cuttings at the Quail Creek Tributary and the Dreamwood Drainage project.

Everyone is encouraged to make neighborhood inputs to the 2017 Bond Election.

The El Camino Real de los Tejas trail signs have been completed and dedicated.

Fiesta Medals for District 10 which commemorates the El Camino Real de los Tejas trail, will be available soon. If you want one, please call the D-10 office.

Professional panhandlers are getting out of control, so Councilman Gallagher is working with the police department to review policies and procedures to see what can be done to reduce this problem.
San Antonio International Airport will close one of its runways to accommodate a scheduled construction project on the airfield. The runway will be closed through September 2016. Neighborhoods northwest and southeast of the airport may experience an increase in air traffic during the project.    
Two questions were asked:
When will the Bulverde/Classen Road project be completed? Answer was 2-3 weeks.
The police don't seem to be aware or don't enforce the noise ordinance. Answer was the D-10 office will speak with the police department.
The next District 10 meeting will be April 25th, 2016.
Special recognition was given to Colletta Galloway who was one of the founding members and secretary for many years. She was portrayed as the "Rock" of the NNA, and thanked for her many years of service. Thank you Colletta!!
The YMCA at Thousand Oaks will be having a fundraiser to help grow their Open Doors Scholarship Program. For details visit: http://www.ymcasatx.org/assistance .

An email will be forthcoming from Jo Alexander about National Night Out for this year.
President Clamp adjourned the meeting giving the next meeting dates for 2016: May 16th; July 18th; September 19th; and November 21st.

Respectfully Submitted,
Clayton H. Perry, Secretary

Northeast Neighborhood Alliance 2016 Meeting Dates

May 16, July 18, September 19, November 21

Northeast Neighborhood Alliance, 13318 Los Indios, San Antonio, TX 78233

Sent by landmarkrealty@sbcglobal.net in collaboration with