Monday, November 28, 2016

District 10 Update November 2016

Upcoming Important Meetings

Annual District 10 Holiday Gathering

December 12th, 6:30PM, at Morgan's Wonderland

Want to publicize your neighborhood event?

If so, please send an e-mail to Emilie Christian to make a request to post on our Facebook page!

November 22nd, 2016

Dear Neighbors, 

On Sunday, we experienced a tragedy that many of us wished would never happen in our San Antonio. My deepest condolences go out to Detective Benjamin Marconi's family, to our brave in Blue, and to our city. While we have made national headlines, it brings me great pride to know that the country is seeing the deeply-rooted pride, respect, and class that we display as a city. San Antonio has been and remains a great place to call home. 

It was great to see so many join us for this month's Northeast Neighborhood Alliance meeting. We heard presentations from Commissioner Wolff on highway expansions for San Antonio, Jim Snyder with Meals on Wheels, and Rev. Abdon Garza about his new Ministry Center. I was pleased to announce a few staff changes for your District 10 team. Gabriela Gonzales has joined us as Constituent Services. Emilie Christian is now our Director of Communications and Zoning, and Rebecca Podowski is our Policy Advisor.

Last week, we had a wonderful celebration honoring our beloved Northeast Senior Center's first anniversary. We have included photos in this newsletter of the event, so be sure to check them out. Not only was this the first senior center in San Antonio built from the ground up, but in just the first year it quickly grew to the largest City-operated center. If you have not yet enrolled, please do so. It is a treasure in District 10 with many resources for our senior community.

In other news, our office is currently working with Development Services to spearhead an effort to improve processes within Code Enforcement, particularly when it comes to repeat offenders. The final product may include strengthening ordinances, changing the structure of the departments, or budget adjustments to fund more personnel. We are not excluding any possibility, but we feel it is time to take an active approach. It is always my goal to protect our great neighborhoods and I believe this is a step in the right direction.

December is fast-approaching, which means it is time for our annual District 10 Holiday Gathering. We will be hosting the party at Morgan's Wonderland on December 12th at 6:30 PM. We encourage you all to bring a dessert for our potluck and an unwrapped gift for our toy drive. Toys will be donated to the children and families involved at the Children's Rehabilitation Institute (CRIT). Many of these youngsters are away from their home to receive treatment or services, and we are excited to help make their holidays a little brighter. Give Colleen a call at 207-7276 or use the link in the invitation below to RSVP. I hope to see you all there!

Thank you for staying actively involved in our community and for your strong support of District 10.


Mike Gallagher
City Councilman District 10

Click the image to be taken directly to the 2017-2022 Bond Project website

You may also reach Colleen at 207-7276 to RSVP by phone

PSA on Airport Travel
"A Minute with Mike"
Our latest PSA on holiday travel 

2017 NEC Enhancement Matching Grant Program Now Open for Business

The 2017 Northeast Corridor (NEC) Enhancement Matching Grant program is now available for business owners and operators along the Northeast Corridor. District 10 Councilman Mike Gallagher, along with Mayor Ivy R. Taylor and Deputy City Manager Peter Zanoni, announced the start of the new grant cycle at City Hall on Thursday.  Executive leadership, city staff, and the communities in and around the NEC are proud to see the continuation of the effort to revitalize Nacogdoches and Perrin Beitel Roads.

Bridgett White, Director of the Department of Planning and Community Development commented, "The City of San Antonio is committed to preserving and updating established communities. This grant program has proven to be successful in helping small business owners along the Northeast Corridor. We look forward to reviewing the new round of applications and seeing what new improvements to expect in the NEC."

The NEC Enhancement Matching Grant Program assists owners and tenants of commercial properties within the designated NEC boundary with façade, landscape and signage improvements to their businesses. The City of San Antonio reimburses grantees 50% of the total cost of eligible improvement projects up to $27,000. This is the third year of the program with $100,000 in total grants to be awarded.

Last year, nine businesses and their projects were chosen as grant recipients. Proposed projects were reviewed by the NEC Steering Committee and evaluated based on completeness of the application, the potential for visual impact, consistency with the NEC Revitalization Plan and Enhancement Grant design guidelines, and the quality of the proposed project.

Applications will be accepted until Friday, January 6, 2017. Two information sessions will be held for those who may be interested in applying or would like more information on the grant process:
  • Wednesday, December 7th from NOON-1 PM at the Department of Planning and Community Development, 1400 S. Flores St., San Antonio, TX 78204
Councilman Gallagher stated, "Any business owner or operator in the area is welcome and encouraged to become a part of this Improvement Partnership. We created the grant program to be a resource to help businesses succeed. Revitalization programs are so important to a City's success and it sends the message that the City is paying attention. I am proud to see this effort continuing in our Northeast Corridor."

Applications are available at

Upcoming Events at District 10 Libraries

Tobin Writers' Group
Tobin Library at Oakwell (4134 Harry Wurzbach Rd., 78209)
Saturday, November 26
10:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Come join our writers' group for an opportunity to share, discuss and critique your work with fellow writers. All skill levels and ages are welcome.

All San Antonio Public Libraries will close at 6p Wednesday, November 23rd and remain closed November 24th & 25th in observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday

For more information or additional events, visit the library website

Northeast Senior Center 1st Anniversary
The Cotts enjoying the festivities 

Classic Car Collection, a great surprise for all attendees!

It was a full house to kick off celebrations

Rain Barrel Coupon Now Available

Many of us have watched the rain pouring from our rooftops and wished we could save it for a drier day. Rain barrels offer a small-scale way to accomplish this, but each one can cost over $100. SAWS is now offering for a limited time (Application deadline Friday, Dec. 16, 2016) a coupon to reduce that price to only $40 per barrel. (NOTE: water collected in the barrel is not drinkable.) Rain Barrel Features can be found here
  • Coupon application period: Nov. 1, 2016 - Dec. 9, 2016.
  • Online purchase deadline: Dec. 16, 2016
  • Pickup date: Jan. 14, 2017
  • Pick-up locations: Eisenhower Park, San Antonio Botanical Garden or Mitchell Lake Audubon Center
Click here to open the Rain Barrel Coupon Online Application.

The City of San Antonio's Transportation & Capital Improvements (TCI)
 is pleased to share with you the following Project Update:

Redland Rd South
(Loop 1604 to Jones Maltsberger Rd) 

November 2016 - Project Update

     November 2016 activities:
  • Jones Maltsberger Rd Bridge north side: Crews completed the bridge rail, finished texture and miscellaneous touch-ups. Crews have formed and poured the sidewalk.
  • Jones Maltsberger Rd Bridge south side: Concrete crews completed retaining walls, bridge rail and west side slope rip-rap. 
  • SAWS water relocation work on Jones Maltsberger Rd.
  • Traffic signal work at Jones Maltsberger Rd & Redland Rd.
  • Crews are grading the east lane on Redland Rd from 1604 to Jones Maltsbegrer Rd.
  • Crews are grading the west lane on Redland Rd, from Northern Oaks Church to 1604.
  • Utility crews have started trenching on Redland Rd, from Northern Oaks Church to 1604, preparing to install the storm drain system.
  • Traffic control adjustments thru-out project.
  • Hauled away debris from site.

     Planned activities for the next 3+ weeks:
  • Jones Maltsberger Rd Bridge north side: Miscellaneous touch up work. 
  • Jones Maltsberger Rd Bridge south side: Crews to grade roadway on south side, lime application and asphalt to follow, and temporary striping of roadway. Concrete crews to start sidewalk and curb forming work.
  • Crews to complete SAWS water relocation work on Jones Maltsberger Rd.
  • Crews to continue traffic signal work at Jones Maltsberger Rd & Redland Rd.
  • Crews to continue grading the east lane on Redland Rd. Crews to start placing lime application and schedule asphalt from 1604 & Redland Rd intersection and head south on Redland Rd.
  • Crews to continue grading the west lane on Redland Rd, from Northern Oaks Church to 1604.
  • Utility crews to continue trenching on Redland Rd, from Northern Oaks Church to 1604, preparing to install the storm drain system.
  • Tree trimming at Jones Maltsberger Rd. 
  • Maintain traffic control thru-out project.
  • Haul away debris from site.


Stay Connected

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Councilman Mike Gallagher | | 210.207.7276

Councilman Mike Gallagher, P.O. Box 839966, San Antonio, TX 78283

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Saturday, November 19, 2016

VNNA II Meeting on Sunday Nov. 20

Our next meeting is Sunday Nov. 20 at 3 p.m. Hope you can make it.  Click Here for the newsletter.

Friday, November 18, 2016

District 10 Update 11-18-2016, Permit Viewing website.

NEW FEATURE: Track permits filed and granted by Development Services

City Councilman Mike Gallagher

We are pleased to announce a new tool for organized neighborhoods and community liaisons. You can now view weekly reports listing all open permit applications and granted permits for developments in your area. 

This new initiative reflects our goal of transparency in government. This is fantastic tool for neighborhoods. Before, if a development didn't require a zoning change, neighbors were often left out of the conversation. Now, you can see a list of permits pulled, along with a description of the work being performed and contact information for the permit applicant. 

This feature sorts permits by Council district. We recommend you share this information with your friends and neighbors, regardless of Council district. 

To access this information, follow the steps outlined below, or jump directly to the website

Viewing permits by Council District
  1. Open the City of San Antonio's website
  2. Click on "Find Your City Council Member", located on the left-hand side of the page.  
  3. Click on "District 10" to open Council District 10's page. 
  4. Under Quick Links, click on "Building Permits Activity Reports", located towards the bottom of the page. 
  5. Information is listed under Building Permits Granted and Plans Submitted, and then sorted by Council District. To view this information, click on the appropriate City Council District. 

Suggestions for neighborhood leaders

  1. Elect or assign a member of your neighborhood association to pull a weekly report of District 10 permits pulled and mark any that are near the neighborhood. 
  2. Share information about this tool and its features on a neighborhood newsletter or on the neighborhood's social media pages.
  3. Have a print out of nearby developments available at the next association meeting for neighbors to review. 
  4. Using the contact information provided on the report, invite the developer to your next meeting to give updates on the project. 
  5. If you have concerns about a nearby development, such as an improperly cleaned up work site, work site debris entering drainage channels, or working outside of permitted hours, call the contact listed for the permit first. If this does not resolve the issue, contact Development Services at 210-207-1111.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

ELECTION DAY 8 November 2016

Dear VNNA II Family and friends.  Today is election day and it is time for each of us to do our part as members of the United States of America, Government.  Yes, that's right each of us is part of the government, so please take time today, if you have not already done so by early voting, to fulfill your responsibility to go and Vote.

VNNA II is not telling you how to vote, but make sure your voice is heard, VOTE.


Marc Levesque
President, VNNA II