Thursday, September 7, 2017

District 10 Update 6 September, 2017

District 10 Newsflash
Brought to you by Clayton Perry, District 10

September 6, 2017

Howdy Neighbors, 

District 10 and San Antonio, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of the support that you have shown to the victims of Hurricane Harvey. We opened our doors, and you all opened your hearts by giving donations and volunteering. Our office was overwhelmed with the amount of donations received at the District 10 Field Office. The road to recovery for our coastal neighbors will be long, and we ask that you continue to keep our neighbors in your prayers. 

Finding gas over the weekend was a struggle seen throughout Texas. Please continue to gas responsibly in the coming days. We have been told by oil and gas companies that the distribution should normalize; however, we are asking anyone who can do so, to take alternative transportation, carpool, or work from home. You can review bus routes by using the VIA goMobile app or by using Google or Apple Maps. You can even pay bus fares through the VIA goMobile app. We realize that bus transportation is not feasible for everyone, but it is always a good idea to see how you can incorporate a VIA ride in your daily life. 

Budget session is in full swing at City Council. We are working hard to ensure that your tax dollars are working for you. We appreciate the feedback we have received so far and will advocate to incorporate your priorities into the 2018 budget. We will share the final proposed budget for your review after our budget sessions are completed. 

On September 1st, Texas' new Texting-While-Driving ban took effect. While San Antonio residents were already subject to local laws regarding cell phone use while driving, the state law establishes a misdemeanor offense for the operator of a motor vehicle who uses a portable wireless communication device to read, write, or send an electronic message while operating the vehicle, unless the vehicle is stopped. First-time violators could be fined up to $99 or $200 for a repeat offense. Let this be a reminder that Hands-Free is the way to be in San Antonio and across the great state of Texas. 

We are less than a month away from National Night Out. If your neighborhood has not yet registered a NNO party, we've included the registration information in this newsletter. If you would like our office to attend your party, please send your request in advance to Thank you to all of the neighborhoods that have requested our office's attendance this far. We have received requests from the following neighborhoods: Forest Oak, Northern Hills, Oak Park Northwood, Friends of Comanche Lookout, Hills of Park North, Valencia, Summit at Bulverde Creek, Longs Creek, Royal Ridge, and Cedar Grove. If you have previously requested our attendance but do not see your neighborhood listed, please contact us as soon as possible. We aim to attend as many parties as we can.

Thank you for being active community members and leaders here in District 10. 

- Clayton


Community Meetings
  • Northeast Neighborhood Alliance - September 18th, 2017, 7PM, at the Tool Yard
Open Surveys

Click the link below to share your voice on your budget priorities and share the links with your neighbors and friends. If you have additional comments on the survey, please feel free to email our Sr. Policy Advisor, Rebecca Podowski, directly at

Previous Online Survey Results

Question 1: 

Confederate statues and monuments have now become a national topic of conversation with several cities moving forward with relocations and removals. Here in San Antonio, City Council will be addressing this topic in a future meeting in regards to the Confederate Soldier Monument in Downtown Travis Park. What would you like to see happen with this monument?

34.74% - Leave in Travis Park
27.89% - Leave in Travis Park, but add additional markers to educate the public.
36.84% - Relocate the monument to a museum or similar institution. 

Question 2: 

Have the recent events in Charlottesville, VA and other cities changed your opinion on Confederate statues and monuments remaining on government property?

18.95% - Yes, I now want them removed
16.32% - Yes, I now want them to remain
64.74% - My opinion has not changed

Open District 10 Boards and Commissions Seats

Transportation Advisory Board
The Transportation Advisory Board is comprised of 11 members appointed by the Mayor and each City Councilmember for two-year terms representing the following categories: three (3) consumers; one (1) member large company taxicab industry; one (1) member co-op taxicab industry; one (1) member small business taxicab industry; one (1) member of tour, charter or shuttle service; one (1) member of horse carriage, limousine or livery service; one (1) member of hotel/motel association; one (1) member of Airport Advisory Commission; and one (1) member of Convention and Visitors Commission. The Board makes recommendations to the Director of the San Antonio Police Department, in reference to City Ordinances, Rules, and Regulations on the licensing and regulatory review process for transportation services licensed by the City. These services include taxicabs, limousines, tour/charter services, pedicabs, and horse carriages. Meetings are held on the fourth Monday of each month (excluding April and December) at 5:00 PM in the Municipal Plaza Building "B" Room, 114 W. Commerce. Meeting duration is usually one to two hours. Public hearings are held in addition to regular meetings. 

Building and Standards Board
The BSB is a citizen-based board and includes 14 members appointed by City Council BSB membership requirements are prescribed for the following categories: Architect, Engineer, General Contractor, Social Worker, Health Care Professional, Retired person (over the age of 64) and Veteran of the United States Military. A professional property manager may be substituted for one general contractor and/or one social worker. The BSB consists of two panels of seven members. Each panel hears and rules on violations of the San Antonio Property Maintenance Code (SAPMC) and summary abatement appeals. Property owners are allowed to appeal a SAPMC Notice of Violation to the BSB based on issues of interpretation, intent, and application of code requirements. The BSB may issue civil penalties for failure to comply with the SAPMC. The panels also rule on cases related to the repair or demolition of unsafe structures. Each panel holds a hearing twice per month unless otherwise indicated. Meeting dates are the first and third Thursdays for Panel A, and the second and fourth Thursdays for Panel B. Meetings are held at the Cliff Morton Development and Business Services Center, located at 1901 S. Alamo St. Location and times of meetings are subject to change and can be verified with the liaison.

Disability Access Advisory Committee
The Disability Access Advisory Committee is comprised of 11 members appointed by the Mayor and each City Councilmember for two-year terms. The Disability Access Advisory Committee was established to work closely with the City of San Antonio Disability Access Office as part of San Antonio's efforts to provide accessible services and facilities for citizens with disabilities. The Advisory Committee consists of consumers with disabilities, providers of services to people with disabilities and interested San Antonio residents. Meetings are held bi-monthly on the second Monday at 3:00 PM at Lion's Field Adult and Senior Center, 2809 Broadway (in Brackenridge Park at the corner of Mulberry Avenue). Meeting duration is usually one to one and a half hours. Special meetings are called as needed. For more information, click here

If you are interested in applying for one of the above seats, please fill out an application here
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Northeast Corridor Steering Committee (NEW)
The NEC Steering Committee is a volunteer workgroup of area business and community leaders who provide input on - and support for- implementation of the NEC Revitalization Plan.   Steering Committee members act as ambassadors for the Perrin Beitel - Nacogdoches commercial corridor, working with fellow business operators and the City of San Antonio to promote the corridor's assets and advocate for the resources needed for change. For a full description of the NEC Steering Committee, membership expectations, and an application, please click here: NEC Steering Committee Information and Application Package

Meet Our Staff 

My name is Samantha Wickwire and I am the newest member of Councilman Perry's staff. 

I was born in Boston, Massachusetts and moved to San Antonio in 1999. I attended Cornerstone Christian School from 1st grade until graduation, and then started my college journey at SAC. After completing my Associate's Degree in Political Science from SAC, I moved to UTSA and received a Bachelor's Degree in Public Administration with a double minor in Political Science and Nonprofit Leadership. Currently, I am working on my Master's Degree in Public Administration at UTSA.

In 2013, I was fortunate enough to be selected for an internship with Senator Van De Putte. There, I learned the importance of community engagement and civic participation. After the internship, I studied abroad in Italy where I spent my time divided in 16 cities throughout the country, learning about historic preservation and architecture.

After graduation, I began working at Luna Architecture + Design as the Director of Business Development, where I was involved with many major projects in District 10. After the recent City elections, I applied to work for District 10 and the rest is history! I am very excited to get to know our District 10 neighbors and assist in any way I can. 

To contact Samantha Wickwire, call (210) 207-0999 or email her at

Sign Up for Development Services Alerts

Did you know that you could sign up for the latest news from Development Services? Development Services can provide you with District specific news regarding Building Permits, Board of Adjustments, Planning and Zoning Commission, and tentative zoning cases. You can even select the type of information that you would like to receive All that is required from you is your name and email address. 

To stay in touch with the Development Services Department, click here.

Hilton Head Project Update

Hilton Head Street: Between Scarsdale & Uhr
The Hilton Head project is being completed in two phases. The first phase consists of all the concrete work and related activities (driveway approaches, curb and gutter, sidewalks, landscape and irrigation, and mailboxes), which should be completed by the end of September (mailboxes by the end of October). The second phase consists of replacement of the asphalt road surface which should be completed by the end of October.

If you have questions about the project, please contact:
Warren Kahn, Capital Projects Officer

Redland Road Project Update

Redland Road Construction is currently underway on Redland Road from Loop 1604 to Jones Maltsberger Road.  This construction workrequires temporary traffic control devices to be setup at the intersection of Redland Road and Jones Maltsberger Road.

Please be aware of the traffic control devices at this intersection and it is recommended to allow for extra time when traveling through this area.

The Texas Department of Transportation will be restriping all of FM 2252 from IH 410 to LP 1604. FM 2252 is called Perrin Beitel from IH 410 to Naco-Perrin and then it changes to Nacogdoches. They will restripe any portion of this area that is maintained by TxDOT. It should be completed sometime in September.

VIA Metropolitan Transit is hosting public hearings on September 5-6 and September 12-13 to receive comments on the service revisions proposed for implementation in January 2018. VIA will have four public hearings on the proposed service changes. See image for details.

Additionally, VIA and the Advanced Transportation District announce the availability to comments on the proposed operating budget for FY 2018. VIA staff will present the proposed budgets at a public hearing and receive comments on September 12. 

National night out is a community outreach program intended to bring community and police together on the first in October to create awareness to crime and drug use in our city. NNO encourages neighbors to come out and meet one another. Many neighborhoods, homeowners associations, schools, churches, apartments, and community centers plan a collaborative event for their communities. 

Reach out to your neighborhood leaders and get involved. If you have not yet registered your National Night Out party, click here to complete the online registration form.

Click the flyer to open the registration page.

Project Trackers 

Click the buttons below to see status updates on various infrastructure projects. 

City Councilman Clayton Perry, 1635 NE Loop 410, Suite 510, San Antonio, TX 78209

Sent by in collaboration with

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Special Called VNNA II Meeting for Zone Change

There has been a special meeting called to discuss the Zoning Change for Swan's Landing at 6:30 pm this evening.  The meeting will be held at the Church of Reconciliation where we normally have our VNNA II meetings.  Everyone is invited.

Questions should be sent to or call me at 210-837-3890.


Marc Levesque