Tuesday, May 15, 2018

District 10 Update 15 May, 2018

District 10 Newsflash
Brought to you by Clayton Perry, District 10

May 15, 2018

Howdy Neighbors, 

District 10 will host a community meeting on Monday, May 21st at 7:00 PM at the Tool YardThis meeting will serve as a public meeting to discuss the future improvements of the  Randolph at Weidner Intersection. Also on the agenda for the evening: information from Metro Health regarding Zika and an update from Diana Kenny regarding the District 10 Homeless Task Force

Early Voting for the Runoff Election began on Monday, May 14th and ends on Friday, May 18th.  The Runoff Election will take place on May 22nd. As a reminder, you can vote in this election even if you did not participate in the Primary Election. Check your county elections website for voting information and locations. 

The month of May marks Older Americans Month, Elder Abuse Prevention Month, and Senior Citizen's Caregivers Month. If you or someone you know is in need of access to senior services, have them contact the City's Department of Human Services or AACOG's Alamo Area Agency on Aging to be connected with city, county, or state resources. 

The District 10 Field Office is still distributing free mosquito dunks. These will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.

As always, thank you for being active community members and leaders here in District 10, and do not hesitate to contact our office if we can be of any assistance to you. 

- Clayton 


Upcoming Community Meetings

 District 10 Community Meeting
May 21, 2018 - 10303 Tool Yard


Open Surveys

District 10 Surveys

Here in District 10, we're already looking "down the road" for repairs and upgrades. We've been hard at work reviewing and tweaking the 2018 street repair schedule, but we are always on the lookout for the big projects that can truly transform District 10. We've started a running list of future bond projects for consideration, but we need your help in guiding us to what District 10 needs most. Please help us determine what your priorities are for the future 2022- 2027 Bond by completing this survey. It's not too early for us to start this process at our level. 

We'd like to gauge our neighbors on their desire for a homestead tax exemption, for them to assign a monetary value to what they consider relief, and what services they are OK with being reduced in the City Budget in order to receive a homestead exemption. If a resident is not willing to cut services in order to receive a tax break, that's valuable information. If a resident considers an extra $100 in tax reduction a real relief, that's also valuable information. The results of this survey will help guide our office as we push forward with tax relief options for our residents. Please participate in our survey, here.

City Council met during B-Session on April 11th to review the proposed short term rental ordinance for operators in San Antonio. The ordinance received a variety of feedback from City Council and will move back to Governance Committee for additional comments and review. This survey is to gauge District 10 residents' thoughts on the proposed regulations for Short Term Rentals operating in San Antonio. Please participate in our survey, here

Healthy Tips with Dr. Bridger 

Are you balanced? Funny how often in life it takes losing something to really appreciate it. Stay with me here. This is not a sad column. It is actually quite funny. Especially if the thought of a person soaking wet with river water and covered in mud brings a smile to your face. Recently my husband, Chuck and I went canoeing. Before we made it out on the river, however, we discovered the importance of balance...and what happens when you lose it!    
It started out like you'd expect. We had all our stuff loaded in the canoe. It was chilly but sunny and I had successfully made it to my seat in the front. Then Chuck got in and was in his seat when suddenly and for no apparent reason the boat lurched to the right and before I knew it I was completely submerged in the very cold river water and mud. My pride feels the need for me to mention that Chuck and I go canoeing a lot and had previously never once tipped or even come close to tipping. In fact, it never even occurred to me that we might tip until I was jumping out the water wondering what the heck just happened.
Well, there we were cold, wet, shocked and suffering from the after-effects of being unbalanced. The first thing each of us did was check in with the other. No major wounds were discovered so then we checked in with the canoe. It was completely full of water. A paddle was escaping into the current so I raced back into the river to get it. After rescuing most of the bait (poor crickets) and the rest of the submerged items in the canoe we headed back to the cabin to regroup and re-clothe.
At this point we had an important decision to make...we could: 1) ditch the outing entirely, 2) continue with our fishing plans, but take the much more stable bass boat instead or 3) try it again. I've always been of the "get back on the horse" mentality so option 3 won the day. With some modifications to our embarking methods, we made it back into the canoe and out onto the river with no further incident, caught a gazillion fish and saw some gorgeous vistas.
Unbalanced is such a loaded word. We all work hard to avoid even the appearance of being unbalanced. One of my first thoughts after I fell out of the canoe, was "I'm sure glad nobody was here to see that!" In retrospect, however, I've realized that occasionally being unbalanced is just what everybody needs. Because after you lose your balance you work a little harder to find it.

I'd love to spotlight some of your favorites.
Please email me at colleen.bridger@sanantonio.gov with your suggestions.    

McAllister Park 50th Anniversary Celebration 

2018 C.O.P Schedule

Northeast substation Citizens on Patrol classes are 1-time, 4-hr classes.  Please bring a photo ID when attending.  All necessary applications will be filled out at the beginning of each class and photos will be taken for a complimentary COP ID card. 

For any questions, please contact 
Officer Dave McDonald at 210-207-6086.

Celebrating the City's Tricentennial


The San Antonio Tricentennial celebration continues with more featured events commemorating San Antonio's storied history. Residents and visitors can explore the official events calendar and sort events by day, time, council district or county precinct. The official Tricentennial magazine features a complete listing of events through the end of the year.  The magazine is available for free at H-E-B stores and Jim's Restaurants throughout the city.

Residents and visitors can also learn about upcoming events and activities by signing up for the official Tricentennial e-newsletter at www.sanantonio300.org

Project Trackers 

Click the buttons below to see status updates on various infrastructure projects. 

City Councilman Clayton Perry, 1635 NE Loop 410, Suite 510, San Antonio, TX 78209

Sent by district10@sanantonio.gov in collaboration with