Monday, September 30, 2019

SA Neighborhood & Housing Services Dept, 2020 Neighborhood Leadership Academy

2020 Neighborhood Leadership Academy 

Neighborhood Leadership Academy 2020: Empower your community; strengthen your leadership; expand your network.
The Neighborhood Leadership Academy (NLA) is a six month interactive course designed to equip residents with the knowledge, network, and skills to be effective neighborhood leaders. Participants will learn how to navigate through city services to become effective advocates for their communities.
Applications for the 2020 Neighborhood Leadership Academy accepted through October 31, 2019. Selected candidates will be notified by November 2019.
Want to learn more about the NLA? Sign up for an information session at Eventbrite.

SpeakUP on Housing Tax Credits Survey

According to San Antonio’s Housing Policy Framework, half of all renters in the city spend more than a third of their income on rent. This means that families have less money left over for basic needs like food, transportation, healthcare, and quality of life. The Housing Tax Credit (HTC) program helps build and preserve affordable housing nationwide. Since 1986, the program has helped build affordable apartments for about 700,000 households in Texas. The City expects HTCs to fund more than 70% of all affordable apartments in San Antonio. To receive HTCs, developers apply to the State. They need a letter of support from the City where they want to build. The City of San Antonio is updating our criteria for letters of support and we want your feedback! Visit to take the HTC survey.

VIA Reimagined: Open Houses

The VIA Reimagined plan consist of three key elements:
  1. Better Bus System - More frequent and reliable transit across the service area.
  2. Advanced Rapid Transit - A network of high-capacity vehicles running in dedicated lanes to bypass traffic.
  3. Smart Transit - Using technology to improve the customer experience.
Please join us at an information session to learn more about the VIA Reimangined plan and how it can work for you. All Open Houses will be from 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM on the dates and locations below:

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All rights reserved.

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1400 South Flores Street • San Antonio, TX 78204
Phone: (210) 207-6459

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City of San Antonio Neighborhood and Housing Services Department · 1400 S Flores St · San Antonio, TX 78204-1617 · USA

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Thursday, September 26, 2019 Update 26 Sept, 2019

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We want to hear your feedback!

We’re hosting public meetings to discuss updates to the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) which outlines our short-range transportation plan for the region. Learn more about the transportation projects that are expected to receive federal funding in the region's FY 2021-2024 TIP. Provide your feedback on important issues including active transportation, traffic congestion, roadway safety and public transportation.
There are two ways to participate: in person or online.



Join us for one of our public meetings to hear a presentation on the short range transportation plan and provide your feedback. Light refreshments will be served.


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Our online public meeting makes it easy to be part of the planning process. Watch the presentation that will be given at the public meeting, indicate your concerns about congestion, safety, public transportation and bicycle/ pedestrian infrastructure. Lastly, provide feedback on projects in our short range transportation plan.
Online public participation ends on Thursday, October 3, 2019.

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Make your voice heard!

Input will be shared with local and state transportation agencies and the MPO’s Transportation Policy Board to inform future investments, and will serve as potential project ideas for our next call for projects, estimated to be in October 2020. The MPO funds projects through our Surface Transportation Block Grant (most flexible funding source), Transportation Alternatives (bicycle and pedestrian projects) and Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ). It’s important to get involved early in the planning process when solutions to transportation challenges are being developed.
For more information, please visit or contact Jeanne Geiger, at 210-227-8651 or by email at