Saturday, November 9, 2019

District 10 Update November 2019

District 10 Newsflash
Brought to you by Councilman Clayton H. Perry

November 2019

Howdy Neighbors,

As we celebrate Veterans Day on November 11, we remember and acknowledge all the freedoms bestowed upon us by their sacrifices. We want to especially thank our District 10 Veterans and their families for going above and beyond the call of duty. There is a not a day in Military City, USA that you are not appreciated and honored. To our men and women in uniform, past, present, and future: God bless you and thank you

The month of November is Native American Heritage Month. Please join us this Saturday, November 9, from 9 AM - 3 PM, as we celebrate Native American Heritage Month at Julia Yates Semmes Branch Library and Comanche Lookout Park. We'll be joined by Native storytellers, dancers and singers and share a free, traditional Native feast. More details can be found below.

Stay safe and warm next week as the temperatures drop. As a reminder, keep space heaters away from flammable objects, check for frayed or damaged cords, and monitor their use. Remember the 4 Ps of cold weather and take care of your Pets, Plants, Pipes, and check on People to make sure they have a means to stay warm.

The next Northeast Neighborhood Alliance Meeting is set for Monday, November 18, 7 PM at the Tool Yard (10303 Tool Yard). This meeting's agenda includes: briefings on Center City Development (including our parking issues), recent problems with senior scams, senior living issues, and a City update from District 10. Also, the Northeast Neighborhood Alliance will be looking for possible candidates to fill their positions for NNA President, Treasurer, and Membership Secretary for the January 27th election.

We're hosting a holiday river barge tour on December 3. Please join us as we celebrate the beauty of San Antonio's River Walk and take advantage of Downtown Tuesday's free parking. More information and a registration link below. Spots are limited.

I look forward to seeing you all at our Holiday Gathering on Monday, December 16 at Morgan's Wonderland from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. If you are able, please bring a new, unwrapped toy for donation and a dessert for our dessert potluck. The toys we collect will be distributed to children in our area. We look forward to hosting this free dinner every year and are so grateful for your company. More information can be found on a flyer below. If you have any questions regarding this event, please email for assistance. 

After considering perusing other opportunities, I ultimately decided that the best place for me to be is here in District 10 and the best thing to do is continue to serve you all as your representative. As always, thank you for being active community members and leaders here in District 10. Please do not hesitate to contact our office if we can be of any assistance to you. 

- Clayton

Upcoming Community Meetings
Northeast Neighborhood Alliance Meeting
November 18, 2019 - 7 PM at Tool Yard

Upcoming Office Closures
We will be out of office on Monday, November 11, in observance of Veterans Day. For a listing of City closures, click here.

Community Spotlight | Georg Heinrich Buchsenschutz Cemetery

Big thank you to the neighbors of Briarwick for volunteering to clean up the Georg Heinrich Buchsenschutz Cemetery. The cemetery had been quite neglected and abused prior to their intervention. The volunteers and neighbors of Briarwick have cleared several dumpsters worth of construction debris, constructed a cable fence across the front of the property, cleared trees and scrubby shrubs to make sure that not only patrol has a visual from Briarwest but also cameras (CPS substation and game cams), and they continue to clear out the heavy growth from around the cemetery to protect it. They plan to offer the site to San Antonio Fire Department to perform practice runs on grass fires to help reconstruct a prairie that used to be there. They also plan to replace the fence around the cemetery.
A state historic marker at the cemetery reads as follows:
"Georg Heinrich Buchsenschutz Family Cemetery. Mexican War veteran Georg Heinrich Buchsenschutz came to Texas in 1850. He bought more than 200 acres of farmland in this area in 1860, the same year he wed Friederike Schulmeier, with whom he had ten children. Their oldest daughter, Friederike, died at the age of fifteen in 1881 and was buried on the homestead. Her father was interred near her in 1895. Between 1910 and 1946, eleven other family members were buried at the cemetery. The site remains open to family descendants. Historic Texas Cemetery - 2001"

Please click here to register.

Boards and Commissions Vacancies

Disability Access Advisory Committee: The Disability Access Advisory Committee is comprised of 11 members for two-year terms of office. To work closely with the Disability Access Office as part of San Antonio’s efforts to provide accessible services and facilities for citizens with disabilities. Meetings are held on the second Monday of every month at 3:00 PM at the Lion’s Field Senior Center, 2809 Broadway. For more information, please click here.

Building Standards Board: The Building Standards Board is a citizen-based board and has 14 members appointed by City Council: two panels of seven members each. Appointed by the City Council with each City Council member appointing their own representative to the board. Members serve overlapping two-year terms and there is no limit on the number of terms that may be served. Each panel holds a hearing twice per month unless otherwise indicated. Meeting dates are the first and third Thursdays for Panel A, and the second and fourth Thursdays for Panel B. Meetings are held at the Cliff Morton Development and Business Services Center, located at 1901 S. Alamo St., at 9:00 a.m. Please contact the liaison for more information. For more information, please click here.

Big thank you to our outgoing Boards and Commissions members, Claudia Rodriguez and Joe Nix. You are true stewards of the community and we are so grateful for the time and energy you dedicated to making San Antonio a great place to live.

Project Trackers

City Councilman Clayton Perry | 1635 NE Loop 410, Suite 510, San Antonio, TX 78209