Friday, August 8, 2014

Councilman Mike Gallagher, San Antonio City Council District 10 Update


August 7, 2014 
District 10 News Alert!
ICYMI:  Council approves ordinance to withdraw City's $32M for streetcar 
Dear District 10 Residents, 
Earlier today, Council voted on the ordinance that redirected the $32 million previously allocated for the streetcar project toward center city development initiatives. The ordinance requires that any future light rail or streetcar project be voter approved prior to the city's participation. In addition, the ordinance called for the establishment of a Charter Review Commission to provide a review of the City Charter and to identify areas for possible revision at the May 2015 election. 
Over 20,000 petitioners throughout the community sought a vote this fall on the streetcar project. These individuals cannot be ignored, thus I made a motion and pushed for having the ordinance amended to allow a vote on the streetcar-related charter amendment in November. Councilman Krier, Lopez, and Nirenberg supported my amendment, but the amended motion failed, 5 to 4.

I voted against the city staff recommendation because it did not include the right of the citizens to vote on this issue in November. To be clear, I support a public vote on any rail or streetcar project. Ultimately, the measure passed 7 to 2 and the city's previous commitment of $32 million will be withdrawn. 
A City Charter Commission will also be created to study City Charter amendments, including a procedure to hold a public vote on rail. I plan to play an active role in moving these issues forward for the betterment of our city. 
Please let me know if you should have any comments or concerns by sending me an e-mail or visiting our website
Councilman Mike Gallagher
San Antonio City Council District 10
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Saturday, May 24, 2014

VNNA Minutes 2014

VNNA minutes for January and March 2014 can now be seen under Shared Files.
Then click on the month you want to view.

Marc & Cyndi

Monday, January 27, 2014

Single Use Plastic Bags in SA

Scouting for Food
We've received the following letter from Andrew Dobbs, Program Director with the Texas Campaign for the Environment  (website: requesting that our neighborhood group support a ban on single use plastic bags in San Antonio, which are a major threat to our environment.

A bag ordinance was introduced by San Antonio District 7 Council member Cris Medina with the help of other council members.  Please take a moment to read the letter and contact us about whether you would support such a ban or would like more information about this subject.

To view the letter, please click HERE.